There you have it - the final product! After two weekends and a couple of nights through the week, the bullbar is on the car and wired up. The indicator and parker light repeaters are working perfectly, and the fog lights have been wired in with their new switch and work a treat.

The aerials have been re-routed down onto the bar from their previous positions on the side of the bonnet, and all mounted up correctly. Where the old Z-brackets have rubbed through the paint, we wiped down and used some touchup paint to cover up the bare metal and prevent any rust.
All the wiring's done - all the joins are soldered, heatshrunk, wrapped in electrical tape and encased in split-tube, so they should last a while without giving any trouble. Everything's safely secured away with cable ties to keep it all in the right spot. We wired the switch for the fog lights into the parker light circuit, so if the fog lights are on, turning off the headlights turns the fogs off as well. The Subaru works this way, and it's really handy.
There's a couple of little jobs left to do that I'll do over the next few weeks. None of the bolts to attach the brackets or the bar came with spring washers. The last thing you want is for the bar to come loose after driving on corrugations for a couple of hours, so I'll need to source a bunch of different sized stainless-steel spring washers, and put a couple on every bolt under there.
And lastly, I've not yet re-fitted the inner guards. They need to be trimed down a bit so as not to funnel water up into the motor's air intake snorkle. I'm not sure what's involved in that yet, so will leave them off until such time as I can sort it out. I'm hopeful that I can ask a couple of Pathfinder owners with the same style of bar to send me some photos of what they've done to alleviate the problem. No sense re-inventing the wheel, after all!
All in all, we're pretty happy with how it's ended up. Once I get a change to get it out of the garage I'll take some nicer pictures in the sun. But for now, I'm pretty happy that the job's done!
This is an excellent article, well put together & very well photographed. Excellent job & well done!!
Thanks for the feedback John, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully it will help someone else who's wanting to attempt a similar job.
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