Where T = Wisdom Teeth. 3hrs later, and the injections are starting to wear off. Correspondingly, it's starting to hurt. It's still bleeding - more than I would have thought it should.
The good news is that I need to go back in a week or two to have some cavities filled.
The best news is that both my bottom wisdom teeth are badly impacted, and are growing horizontally. Which is something I've suspected for a while, but since they don't hurt me I've been happily ignoring it. No longer, according to the dentist - they have to go. Apparently that's big surgery, more than they can do at their place.
Oh joy.
More needles.
Quick Gotcha - Outlook Anywhere with Exchange 2007/Server 2008
We've had a curly problem here with our new exchange server and Outlook
Anywhere. It was configured correctly on the server, tested fine, and was
present i...
15 years ago
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