Tis that time of year again - Dec 24 to be exact! And it's a beautifully warm 32-degree day here in sunny Cairns. It's almost warm enough for me to be bothered closing up the house and putting the AC on, actually. It's shaping up to be a warm day tomorrow as well, albeit slightly overcast. We haven't had any serious rain this season yet, so hopefully it will hold off for one more day.
To all our friends and family all around the globe, near or far, we'll be thinking of you all tomorrow, and hope you have a lovely Christmas day planned where-ever this may find you. To those lucky ones who have some time off (I'll be working on the non-public holidays this year, unfortunately), make sure you enjoy the break, however swift it may go. We hope to catch up with everyone in the coming year!
And a very exciting New Year!
Matto & Jess!
(and Badger!)

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