So I finally gave into temptation this morning, and picked up a Nintendo DS.

I've been tossing up whether I should get one for a while now, since I think it will be absolutely perfect for the long plane flights on our holiday next year. But I finally couldn't wait any longer, so we went hunting at the local shopping centre. BigW didn't have any of the limited edition red/black ones any more, and didn't think they were getting any more. Same story at Target. Dick Smith didn't have any at all. My last hope was Electronic Boutique, and whaddayaknow - luck!
The console came in a bundle deal with one of the NintenDogs games for free (the bundle was actually $2 cheaper than the bare console - what's that tell you about not even being able to give NintenDogs away?), and we picked up Lego Batman as well.

It's a completely ridiculous game, but it's just so much fun. I've only played about 30 minutes of it yet, and have just completed the first mission, but it's a real blast. I played 5 minutes of Lego Indiana Jones about 6 months' ago on a friend's Wii (that just sounds so wrong), and it was cracking fun, so I'm happy to see that this is just as good.
I'm going to be scouring the Pre-Owned bins at the shops between now and when we leave, as I'd like to pick up a copy of New Super Mario Bros (basically the good old original SMB, made specifically for the DS) and either MarioKart or Diddy Kong Racing. The games are pretty cheap, especially if you can buy them pre-owned or older releases, and there's a fair variety of types available.
While I was taking pictures, I thought I'd shoot one of my new work phone (next to the old one)

As well as our new video camera (in it's docking station)

Sorry for the lack of quality, but it was very late when I was taking these, and bed was calling. I'm still struggling with the FullHD settings on the camcorder - I'm not sure if there's a problem with the footage or if my computer is just too slow to be able to render and display it properly, but I hope I can figure it out soon.