Jamie and Angie came up for a week's holiday from Saturday the 3rd of May to visit their friend Mary who moved to Cairns earlier in the year. Since they were here, we took them of a tour of the Daintree via the Bloomfield track. It was a bit squishy in the Pathfinder, but Jamie didn't seem to complain about being stuck in the back between the two girls. Mary must have enjoyed the trip, as she began making plans on the way home to sell her car and trade up to a 4WD.
We pushed as far north as Wujal Wujal and the Bloomfield Falls, which we hadn't been to before. We had to stop off in town and ask for directions from the local hospital (the police station was closed). We had tried to find it ourselves, but we came across a rather huge, rather new, and very official looking "DO NOT ENTER - Council restricted zone. Tresspassers WILL be prosecuted" sign. We asked the duty Doctor about the sign, and his words were "Oh that - don't worry about that - just go straight past it, and keep going as far as you can - it's about another 5 mins past the sign". Turns out his directions were spot on, and we didn't get jailed.
From there we turned south and headed back down the track again, through Cape Tribulation and back to the ferry over the Daintree river, with a quick stop at the Daintree Icecream farm on the way - luckily just arriving before they closed for the day. Once over the ferry you straight away feel as if you're back to civilisation, and the pioneering feel of the Daintree villages slips away behind you.
Nothing much to report - we've done this trip a few times with people now, and it's always a nice drive. The track itself is in good condition and there's nothing too hard about it. There's a few small creek crossings - Woobadda Ck is probably the deepest and longest, and hence the most fun. But it would be less than 30cm deep at it's deepest, so it's hardly challenging.
We took a bunch of photos on the day, and you can find them all here:
Picasa WebAlbum - 2008-05-04 - Daintree Rainforest
Here's a selection:
Woobadda Ck
A steep section on the track:
Bloomfield River:
Bloomfield Falls:
(With a bunch of lovely photos taken right down at the water's edge, about 30 seconds before Matt remembered that this section of the river is full of crocodiles)
On the Ferry over the Daintree River, heading back home:
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