...Let me show you them.

So yeah, our main TV blew up a week and a half ago. That's the top of it you can see in the bottom-right corner of the photo, sulking on the floor in shame. All attempts to revive it have thus far failed. I'm not sure what's wrong with it - when powered up it will go into standby mode, and the little red light on the front will glow, but it won't actually go from that to turning on and being a useful TV.
So, until we can afford a new one, we scavenged the above replacement from Trev & Kelli's place, where it was performing the admirable duty of taking up space in the top of a cupboard in the spare room. Of course, I know what TV I'd like to replace it with, but unless someone gives me $2500 that they happen to find laying around, then this one will have to do for now. Luckily we still have the nice baby 26" LCD TV out in the living area. We were going to shuffle it out into the lounge room, and then put the little one out the front, but that ended up being too much mucking around.
Oh well - I guess we'll just have to see if we can up our credit limit on the ol' AGC card, and wait till someone has a "no deposit, no interest, no repayments" sale!!! Hooray for broken things!
PS - finally feeling better, after copious quantities of painkillers, a week of being in bed, a trip to the doctor, and a course of antibiotics.